Monday, 5 December 2011


It is commonly believed by many people that there were only two types of  "V" or "Terror" weapons in Hitlers aarsenal. But there was a third, the V-3 or "London Gun" as it was called. It was capable of firing high explosives onto London. Developed at the from the beginning of 1942-3 it was going to be used to flatten London and destroy moral. It were assembled in Northern France in the Pas-De- Calais but were put out of action, by Allied bombing before it could be used. Two others were used to bombard Luxembourg in the final Allied push towards Berlin and the Fatherland. This site was situated in a wooded ravine about eight point one miles from Tier in Germany. It fired a total 145 rounds onto the city, but only caused casualties of 10 dead and 35 wounded.